How a circular economy works.
This is Ali.
A few years back I wrote a story about him. Our lives crossed because of football, Richmond, and social media, and because both of us were open to new experiences.
He calls me 'brother'. I call him a friend.
A few weeks ago he made contact, said he could help out. And he could. Their old family home in Fawkner is to be demolished. He offered materials. Take what you want, he said.
I met him on his doorstep this week and he gave me Turkish bread and home-made dips for sustenance, and I set about salvaging as much as I could.
Wheelbarrows of volcanic scoria (for the base of wicking bed garden boxes); three steel post stirrups and coach screws (always useful), and two rooms worth of hardwood floorboards and joists, all prised-up and put in the trailer. I'll go back for the bearers.
Ali gave me materials.
Other friends have given me a place to store timber for peppercorn rent (a bottle of wine a month, plus occasional dog walking duties) in the back yard of their rental property (I'll write a story about them shortly).
And yesterday I texted other friends, told them I've sourced timber for a 'tree house' they've commissioned me to build in their backyard (for their three children, but maybe also for them to hideaway when it all gets too much).
A circular economy [source-keep-use], touching the earth lightly, bringing others together.
I'll tell this story more fully at a public showcase next Saturday week in Toorak (invite attached, all welcome!), for a workshop I've been doing. I'll post more details next week, but there's a large garden perfect for children to roam in (other participants will host some 'forest bathing' to calm all down).
But for now: thank you Ali Yesilyurt for your giving, and helping.
The story I wrote about him can be found here:…/oh-were-from-tigerland-ali-…
He couldn't source a ticket to the Grand Final two years ago. If Richmond make it again this year, if any have a spare, I know a bloke who's deserving.
A circular economy: of people, friendships, helping each other out.